My passion for cars started as a child. It quickly became apparent that I have a good sense for metal work, so I decided to choose a career as a car body locksmith. I finished my school studies in 1986.
I was one of the smartest students at school, only my behavior caused concern for my teachers. In 1993, I passed my master's exam. When I started working professionally,
I often saw poor quality from older professionals, and I didn't want to become like that myself. I wanted to do professional, beautiful work, I didn't want to be an employee anymore, so I became independent.
In those days, towards the end of the communist era, it was not easy to get a new car in Hungary, We were forced to repair and rebuild poor quality old cars. I gained a lot of professional experience in these jobs.
A few older friends, excellent professionals, with whom we worked properly, precisely and beautifully, were a great help. There was no shortage of continuous learning and late-night jobs.
But it was worth it because the possession of theoretical and practical knowledge helped me to better and better relationships. That's how I met Gusztáv around 2012-13, who even then dealt exclusively with Datsun Z cars, so we started restoring cars together.
Like me, Gusztáv is crazy obsessed, we both tried to produce better and better cars as much as possible.
2019 Gustav met Chris, they made an agreement with the aim of producing the best cars in the world, the closest to the factory version. I soon joined the team.
This brought a new dimension to the work, I had the opportunity to buy professional machines and learn about the pursuit of perfection that Chris expected from us, which was unknown to me until now. The literature and knowledge that Chris has gathered helps a lot in working out the details, as well as the museum that Chris has established and the wonderfully preserved unmolested cars


We love what we do Welcome to
It’s based in Utrecht and Budapest. In Utrecht we are only 30 minutes from Amsterdam Airport. There we have our showroom, parts storage and project car storage. In our showroom you will find of course restored S30’s but also several first paint Datsun 240Z’s. In Budapest the bodywork, most of the restoration and assembly takes place. Some components like engines and upholstery are mostly done in The Netherlands.